Monday, May 15, 2023

Hi all, been very quiet here...


Hi folks been a long quiet time.  What with the shenanigans at Hasbro and WOTC, the then more splintering of gamer groups and the constant individuals who appear only to be able to spew forth their own bile I haven't had the time or desire to check out the scene much.  Instead I have been  listening to some interesting podcasts about either role playing in general or specific games : Traveller - check out, Roleplay Rescue, Dekahedron RPG, RPG Ramblings, Radio Grognard, Random Screed, Save for Half, Red Dice Diaries, Gothridge  Manor, The Redcaps Podcast, Castles and Crusades -The Crusader Podcast  and Tenkars Tavern.  Watched some interesting you tube videos on things like DM kits, miniatures, using digital tools to support the Dm etc. So been busy with more the meat of this wonderful hobby - playing the games and things that help me run the games I run.  Which is while on one hand easier to digest than all of the garbage or crystal ball gazing that some seem to delight in while on the other hand feeling like the community has gotten smaller and more segmented and insular.  But then I've been at these games for close to 40+ years and seen some of these patterns before, they seem to come and go. Guess I'll wait for the next breath of sanity and civility. 

Cheers and wish you and yours great games.

Game on!


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