Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mobius loop


Greeting from the Space Ape.  Seems this blog has been drifting for a long time.  Here's hoping whatever muse I have can hit me dead in the face so I can start reblogging here.  
Of late I have been less interested in what's going on in the Blogosphere concerning the Roleplaying scene. I visited a reddit feed  (several in fact). It seems, when an individual has something to say,  everyone has an opinion, some appear to be rabid attack dogs, other malicious manipulators, its getting hard to find those that can maintain their integrity in being  genuinely interested in sharing dialogue about their thoughts concerning gaming or gaming history from their perspective while having to put up with this infantile behaviour directed at them.  When did this sort of unneeded behaviour become the norm?  When did it become respectful to tear someone's head off and shit down their neck!?   I don't see this in my local community of gamers, meaning New Zealand and  I hope it doesn't creep into acceptable behaviour down here. Of course I could just have been unlucky in where I go in the interwebs. I for one am going to give as little oxygen to those that perpetrate such behaviour. ok, got that off my chest, full stop. We will now return to our normal viewing. To all you wonder gentle women, gentlemen and gentle beings or otherwise gendered beings a good evening. 

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